St. Paul's Convent School, Primary Section

Healthy Living Guide

These videos will help you learn information about health-related to physical, mental, and environment.
Click to watch the videos.

Main page

Physical Health Videos

Why should you make breakfast the most important meal of the day Food group-solving puzzle of healthy eating
The benefits of fruit and vegetables Come and learn about healthy snacks
Physical activities for young children What do humans need to stay healthy
How to clean your hands properly How to wear a surgical mask property
Coronavirus disease(Covid-19): 7 steps to prevent the spread of the virus Time to Come In, Bear: A Children's Story About Social Distancing

Mental Health Videos

Tips on how to manage everyday stress I have a black dog, his name was depression
Living with a black dog; advice for overcoming depression Breathing Meditation for kids – Mindfulness for Children

Environmental Health Videos

What is the environment and how to keep it clean? 8 simple ways kids can help the environment
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle to enjoy a better life How to Care for the Environment
Climate change is a health issue Preventing disease through a healthy environment