St. Paul's Convent School, Primary Section

Healthy Living Guide

This guide provides primary students with information about physical, mental, and environmental health.
It contains books, videos, activities, and links to useful websites.




Useful links

Click to find books about sports, mental, and environmental health that can be found in our library.

Click to watch videos about personal hygiene, mental, and environmental health.

Click to find out about activities related to health.

This will lead you to useful links to learn more about healthy living.

Mental Health Tips
Simple Anxiety Self Rating Scale
If you experienced the following features nearly every day during the past 2 weeks, please check.
  1. Negative feelings keep coming into my mind made me feel panic.
  2. I feel annoyed and worried about daily activities.
  3. I am unable to sit still.
  4. I was forgetful and not able to concentrate.
  5. I feel my heart pounding.
  6. I feel breathless and suffocating.
  7. I feel nausea as if butterflies are in the stomach.
  8. I feel my throat blocked and not able to swallow.
  9. I feel muscle tension and not able to relax.
  10. I worry I might lose control, get insane or faint.
  11. Calculate your points.
mental health
Simple Anxiety Self Rating Scale
  • 0 point: Denial or no feeling at all.
  • 1-2 points: Visitors.
  • 3-4 points: Ordinary Hong Kong Citizens; might have some anxiety features yet still function normally.
  • 5-7 points: Anxiety already affects one’s daily living. Must learn stress management skills.
  • 8 points: Anxiety already severely affecting you; what you need is prompt treatment.
18 Tips to be resilient
  1. To accept
  2. Back to normal track
  3. Don't withdraw yourself
  4. Be connected
  5. Manage your emotions
  6. Avoid seeing crisis as insurmountable problems
  7. Keep things in perspective
  8. Accept change as part of living
  9. Move towards your goals
  10. Take decisive actions and do not expect the problem will go away by itself
  11. Look for opportunities for self-discovery
  12. Be optimistic
  13. Trust yourself and others
  14. Be optimistic and maintain hope
  15. Take good care of yourself
  16. Learn from past experiences
  17. Be flexible
  18. Be humble and seek help
Reference:Tsang Fan Kwong (2019). How to stay psychologically healthy? The Education University of Hong Kong.
Physical Health Tips
Personal hygiene Tips
  • Brush your teeth twice a day – once in the morning and once before going to bed
  • Have a bath and change your clothes every day
  • Keep your hair tidy and clean
  • Keep your hands clean: wash your hands before and after meals and after going to the toilet
  • Clip your nails frequently
  • Cover your mouth and nose with a handkerchief or a tissue when sneezing and coughing
  • Cover wounds with adhesive plasters to avoid infection
  • Avoid sharing personal items such as toothbrush, comb and towel with others
Healthy Eating Food Pyramid
Healthy Eating Food Pyramid
Moments of Hand hygiene Handwashing Steps
When should I wash my hands 7 Steps of hand washing
Hong Kong Department of Health, Student health service (2016). Health information: Healthy lifestyle.
Minnesota Department of Health (2019). When should I wash my hands?
UNICEF Hong Kong (2018). Clean hands save lives: Handwashing steps.
Last updated: 28 May 2020